Jail log lists all people charged with offenses through the county jail in Cameron.
Jail log lists all people charged with offenses through the county jail in Cameron.
CHAMBER HISTORICAL MARKER—A historical marker dedication at the Chamber of Commerce was held Sunday. Shown are (L-R) Chamber Board members Monique Gebhart, Michelle Toungate, Chamber Executive Director Denise Brock, Curah Beard and Chamber Board President Sonny Lillard.
The Little River Basin Master Gardeners and the El Camino Real Master Naturalists of Milam County are hosting “There’s an App for That” at the Patterson Civic Center on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 10 a.m. The public is invited so mark your calendars and download the app.
SUCCESSFUL BENEFIT—The Milano Volunteer Fire Department held a fundraiser for Robert Whitmore on Sunday with pulled pork sandwiches and all the trimmings including dessert. Over 400 plates were sold and fellow firefighters from all over the state showed up to help.
Rockdale Junior High is blessed with a fantastic math team that works well together, and has a big love for math, but more importantly for their students. The team is made up of Cheryl Meuth, Anna Bland, Alexis Fields, Deana Zinn and Jade Laake. Learn more about them below.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567