Homecoming Parade
The Rockdale Tiger Booster Club held the 2021 Homecoming Parade and city-wide pep rally which was sponsored by the good folks at Alpha One Chevrolet Buick. The parade was held at 6:30 p.m. last Wednesday.
4-H Holiday Gift Idea Exchange event planned for November 16
Milam County 4-H’ers from kindergartners to seniors from all over Milam County will show off their baking and arts and crafts skills at the annual 4-H Holiday Gift Idea Exchange at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 16, at First United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall in Cameron.
Homemade pumpkin pie
Pumpkin is our ingredient of the week. And right in time for Thanksgiving.
CORRECTION—Hadley Meadors was misidentified in the Oct. 21 issue of The Rockdale Reporter. Hadley took home the reserve champion lamb award. The Reporter regrets the error and congratulates her on her win. Jocelyn Lewis/Rockdale Signs & Photography