
County old tire cleanup day

Don’t forget that next Saturday is tire cleanup day in Milam County. Any Milam County resident (not involved in dumping litigation) may bring old automobile tires, implement and tractor tires to the Precinct 3 headquarters in Rockdale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and drop them off at no charge.

Graduation 2021

Graduation 2021

The Rockdale High School Class of ’21, 116 strong, said goodbye to their marched off to their new lives with music from “Exodus” playing, after hearing Tiger home as they received their diplomas with pomp and circumstance Friday talks by classmates and school officials in a ceremony that was moved night in the packed gym and in front of a vocal audience. The seniors from the football stadium because of rain. More about graduations, 7A, 8B. Reporter/David Money


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567