Columns & Opinions

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Big improvement in emergency services

Most people know that the ambulance service in Milam County is provided by AMR and funded in part by a subsidy from the Milam County Coalition, which consists of the county, the City of Rockdale and the City of Cameron. Collectively, the Coalition provides an annual subsidy to AMR of $350,000 as the service is not very profitable. We do have three 24/7 ambulances in the county, which are housed in Rockdale, Cameron and Milano.

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Losing The Reporter’s Linotype history

We’ve been having fun watching Dwayne Jones taking apart a lot of our no-longer-used printing equipment and some other things we wanted to get rid of. The most fun was watching him take apart our very old Model 31 Linotype machine. It wasn’t fun for Dwayne, however, because not one bolt or screw was the same size. He had to use a lot of different tools.


(Editor’s note: Belinda Hillhouse, who has served as a west side city council member for the past three years, but who is not running for reelection, sent this as a letter to the editor. But we thought this was great information for anyone in Rockdale who is thinking of running for city council because she lays out what will be expected of you. Thank you, Belinda, for serving our city and for this information. K.W.C.)


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567