Columns & Opinions


The Rockdale Reporter has published at least two stories naming the American Glove Co. as the company possibly coming to the Alcoa property. The name of the actual company is the American Statesman Glove Co. The Reporter regrets the error.

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Apologies to American Glove Co.

I was sitting outside the other night and the evening air was so refreshingly nice. Suddenly, I started sweating profusely for no apparent reason. I went inside and put on a thinner t-shirt thinking that would help. Then it all went away as quickly as it started. Is male menopause a thing? Because I think I may have it.


A letter last week from Ron Rabinowitz had his organization erroneously listed as the VFW. It should have been listed as the American Legion. The Reporter regrets the error.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567