Columns & Opinions

Heavenly Treasures

Rockdale Christian Services “Heavenly Treasures” thrift store, 233 North Main, serves the needy with gently used clothing and household items at prices from 25 cents to $5. Hours are 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday through Friday. Donations to the thrift store are appreciated and should be left only during operating hours.

RCS food pantry

Rockdale Christian Services operates a food pantry at 224 West Cameron Avenue, open the second and fourth Thursday and Friday of the each month from 10 a.m. to noon. Donations of non-perishable food items are welcome, especially one-pound bags of rice, pinto beans, macaroni and cheese, canned soups and peanut butter. Donations may also be taken to 11 RCS-member churches: First Baptist, First Christian, First Presbyterian, Full Gospel Chapel, Grace Lutheran, Peace Lutheran, Meadowbrook Baptist, Primera Iglesia Bautista, St. Joseph’s Catholic, St. Thomas Episcopal and St. John’s Methodist.

Abide with Jesus

Abide with Jesus

am currently reading the Charles Dickens classic, David Copperfield and there is a perfectly fitting section in it that describes Copperfield's first evening with Dora, his first true love. Copperfield says this, “The sun shown Dora, The birds sang Dora, The south wind blew Dora, and the wildflowers in the hedges were all Dora’s. I took Dora’s little hand and kissed it and she let me, and we all seemed to my thinking to go straight up to the seventh heaven. We did not come down again, we stayed up there all evening. At first we strayed to and fro among the trees. I with Dora’s shy arm drawn through mine and heaven knows, folly as it was, it would have been a happy fate to have been struck immortal with those foolish feelings and have stayed among the trees forever.”

Be a red letter person

Be a red letter person

I’m a Red Letter guy. I love the stuff that Jesus said. In John 5 He sees a guy in a crowd who is sitting in one of those scooters from Walmart and He asks him, “Would you like to get well?” This man gave a bunch of excuses on why he could not be healed but Jesus cut through the bureaucratic red tape and said to him, “Stand up, pick up your mat and walk.”


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567