On Oct. 19, 1895, the Rockdale City Council approved the following for the new City Hall: a payment of $129.60 was approved for Henry Struve, the new contractor. Water Tipps was paid $3 for wiring the building.
On Oct. 19, 1895, the Rockdale City Council approved the following for the new City Hall: a payment of $129.60 was approved for Henry Struve, the new contractor. Water Tipps was paid $3 for wiring the building.
We’re all about delicious Thanksgiving side dishes this month in Kyle’s Kitchen, 7A.
The 17th annual Buddy Oney Toy Run, which benefits needy children in Milam County, is set for Saturday, Dec. 3.
The Milam County Child Protective Services Board is requesting help to sponsor a child for Christmas. According to Chairman Jeanie Weed, “the number of abused and neglected children in state conservatorship (Foster Care and Kinship Care) has increased once again this year, especially with the economic downturn.”
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567