Rockdale Fair commercial heifer show results
Note: The complete Rockdale Fair Commercial Heifer Show results were not available before The Reporter deadline. Names of buyers and totals for each will be listed next week.
Note: The complete Rockdale Fair Commercial Heifer Show results were not available before The Reporter deadline. Names of buyers and totals for each will be listed next week.
Note: Books on the Rockdale Fair Livestock Show & Auction do not close until after The Reporter deadline. Names of buyers and totals for each animal will be published when they become available.
Gause ISD has an early out (12:30 p.m.) this Friday. Classes resume on Monday, Oct. 31 Gause Baptist Church will have their Fall Festival on Sunday. Everyone is invited to attend.
So, what all have you eaten lately with this cooler weather? We’ve already had chili, spaghetti and hamburger soup, all made by Mom. I’m not big on cold weather but I do enjoy cold weather food. And it shows.
The Thorndale Town & Country Club met at the country home of Paula Johnson with Paula and her sister, Becky Hozak, as hostesses. Seven club members were present. Games of “What’s in Your Purse” were played with the winner receiving a cute jack-o-lantern bucket with several prizes inside.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567