Have a blessed All Hallows Eve
One of my favor ite church camp songs is “Dem Bones Gonna Rise Again.” Therefore, riding on those lyrics, and approaching All Hallows Eve and All Saints Day, I share with you a few words about skeletons, about bones.
Holy Spirit shows up
Iwas reading in Acts 4:31 about the early church and how they prayed together and the “place in which they were gathered together was shaken.” This passage and other supernatural things came up in a group setting the other day and I was amazed at the number of people in the church who have never experienced the Holy Spirit showing up and showing off for lack of a better way to put it. Just so you know I’m not what they used to call a “charismatic” and even if I was it would be okay. I’m a conservative, uptight Baptist that is so far right that I have come back up on the left. That’s a good thing because there is a lot of love on the “left” and the “right” should remember that’s what the church is supposed to be about.
2022 Rockdale Fair & Rodeo big hit over the weekend
2022 Rockdale Fair & Rodeo big hit over the weekend
Scenes from the 2022 Rockdale Fair & Rodeo
Scenes from the 2022 Rockdale Fair & Rodeo