COMMUNITY BUILDER AWARD—Rockdale Masonic Lodge #414 is pleased to announce the recipient of this year’s Community Builder Award is Glenda Wiley. Ms. Wiley was presented this award on Friday May 6 in recognition of her many years of service to Rockdale and the surrounding area. Ms. Wiley is a charter member of Alpha Tau Delta, the local chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority. She has served on the Rockdale Fair Board and Christmas Roundup and worked with Rockdale EMS. Glenda retired from her work with the City of Rockdale, where she was of great service to many in this community for many years. The Community Builder Award was established by the Grand Lodge of Texas so that local lodges can formally recognize outstanding non-Masons who have distinguished themselves through their service to the community, local and state governments, places of worship or to humanity at large. Shown here are (L-R) Lodge Secretary Jim Maines, Glenda Wiley and Lodge Worshipful Master Ronnie Norwood.