

Ribbon cutting

Mike and Gloria Zapata bought D.R. Loans in September and last week they became the newest member of the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce. On hand for the ribbon cutting were (L-R) Chamber representatives Michelle Toungate and Michelle Ferguson, The Zapata family: Gloria, son Michael, daughter Bianca and Mike, and in the back Chamber rep Pat Watson. D.R. Loans is located at 121 N. Main St. and they can be reached at 512-446-7580. Office hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Friday hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Easy juicy chicken kabobs and a spicy vegetable salad to go with them this week in Kyle’s Kitchen, 6A.



FAMILY FUNFEST—Saturday’s Family Funfest sponsored by the Rockdale Police Department and Aware Central Texas was big success. Kids payed games and ate hot dogs and met and mingled with the officers. See page 3B for more photos.

City council hears two proposals

At a special meeting of the Rockdale City Council on Tuesday night, members heard presentations from two companies who put offers in for the property the city owns at 1166 West US 79. This is the property near Rockdale Intermediate School where the police station was originally going to be built.


Rockdale Reporter

221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567