THE MARC GARDENS—Clients and volunteers at the MARC Center got their gardens all spruced up on Friday as their Earth Day project by cleaning out the gardens and replanting them.
THE MARC GARDENS—Clients and volunteers at the MARC Center got their gardens all spruced up on Friday as their Earth Day project by cleaning out the gardens and replanting them.
A minister at a conference was listening to a woman give the devotional. She was speaking in one foreign language, then another. “La madre que tengo hambre. La m’ere j’ai faim. Mutter, die ich hunger habe. La madre che ho fame.” Lastly, she interpreted in English, “Mommy, I’m hungry.” Traveling home, the first billboard the minister saw as he entered his hometown read: “All you can eat - $5.99.” A
In Luke 9:57 - 62 Jesus talks to three men about following Him (the mark of a Christian). One guy says he needs to go live his life, and after his father passes away he will start to follow Jesus. Another says he needs to go home and get things in order and then he will start to follow Jesus. And yet another says he needs 5 star accommodations when on the road with Jesus in order to follow. The point is it doesn’t work that way. Delayed obedience is still disobedience. You either follow when Jesus calls you or you don’t.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567