Post Oak Savannah GCD board approves $1,013,324 in grants
At its April 12 board meeting the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (POSGCD) Board of Directors approved over one million dollars in grants for six local water utilities.
At its April 12 board meeting the Post Oak Savannah Groundwater Conservation District (POSGCD) Board of Directors approved over one million dollars in grants for six local water utilities.
EARTH DAY ’22—Rockdale Earth Day held a spring celebration at the library on Tuesday morning with lots of finger foods and drinks. Mayor John King (R) proclaimed Friday, April 22, as Earth Day in Rockdale on April 11, and Rockdale Earth Day Chairman David Melton accepted the proclamation. Lindsey Lillard with Bake My Day Sweet Treats made a cake using 10th grader Catalina Torres’ winning t-shirt design.
Service sorority Alpha Tau Delta will hold the 21st annual Dewberry Jam on Sunday, May 1 at Veteran’s Memorial Park.
• Friday—Earth Day, 9 a.m. at the Rockdale High School gym. Students will be bused around town to pick up trash with bags and gloves provided by Rockdale Earth Day.
April 22 at 7 p.m. The Jungle Book Tickets are available at
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567