Mental Health Services coming to Rockdale One Stop center
According to Milam County Judge Steve Young, within the next week or so, Central County Services (CCS) will open an additional mental health clinic in Rockdale at the One Stop.
According to Milam County Judge Steve Young, within the next week or so, Central County Services (CCS) will open an additional mental health clinic in Rockdale at the One Stop.
The Rockdale Municipal Development District and the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce would like to thank the sponsors of the inaugural Leadership Rockdale program. “We truly could not have started this program without the generous support of our sponsors,” said Denise Brock, executive director of the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce.
READY, SET, GO!—Participants in the five-and-under age group in the Dewberry Jam Fiesta 5K had a great start at Sunday’s successful event. More photos and race results on page 7A.
American Legion Post 358 will hold a turkey shoot on Sunday, May 15, at 2534 North FM 487, one mile past FM 1712 intersection on the right.
Nearly 200 people attended the Rockdale Chamber of Commerce Banquet Thursday night, the first one to be held after a two-year absence due to the pandemic.
221 E. Cameron Ave
Rockdale, TX 76567